“What matters most, in work as in life, are relationships”

WHO AM I? A few words!

I have a degree in Linguistics with a specialization in Marketing and for over 20 years I have been dealing with broad-spectrum communication issues.

I obtained a Master in NLP (Neuroliguistic Programming) and I am Anchor Certified Systemic Relational Counselor (ANCORE) , thanks to these paths I have acquired valid tools for managing relationships on and off the web

I founded WEBCREATIVI in 2012 with the idea of ​​connecting companies to a network of digital professionals who collaborate in crowd sourcing, based on the professionalism required by the client.

In my Team, I take care of project management by developing Communication and Web Marketing strategies for the visibility of products and services on the network.

Given my artistic spirit and my love for the stage and the show (my hobbies are singing and dancing), I design, manage and present Events for Organizations, Institutions and Companies.

I also work as a Trainer, transferring my skills in the digital field to companies.